Green Haven
Green Haven halfway house is a division of Singapore Buddhist Welfare Services. Established in 1992 by our late founder, Venerable Yen Pei, Green Haven remains as the only Buddhist halfway house in Singapore.

Our objective is to provide a drug-free and caring community for our clients to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society as responsible citizens.

Green Haven provides a 6-month to 12-month residential rehabilitation programme for ex-drug offenders. We accept referrals from Singapore Prison Service, Institute of Mental Health, Prison Family Resource Centre, family service centres, hospitals, etc. We also accept individuals who request for direct walk-in.

At Green Haven, we adopt a holistic approach in our intervention plan. Besides working with our clients on their needs and risks of relapse, we also work closely with their family members. We promote greater acceptance and understanding of ex-drug addicts from the general public, through engaging employers and community partners.

Besides counselling (individual, group and family), our clients also undergo various organized activities during their stay in Green Haven, such as therapeutic horticulture, health and fitness, skill-based learning, as well as community-related, religious, recreational, aftercare activities and other pro-social activities involving family members.

In the final phase of the programme, our social workers assist clients in securing both employment and accommodation. Our social workers also follow up with clients 3 months after they have left Green Haven, to ensure that they cope well upon successful completion of the programme.

Admission Criteria
- complete a detoxification programme at the Institute of Mental Health and/or other hospital;
- free of involvement in criminal investigation;
- receptive to Buddhist teachings;
- willing to attend our in-house programmes.