Fu Hui Golden Care Centre
Fu Hui Golden Care Centre (FHGCC) is a senior day care centre set up by the Singapore Buddhist Welfare Services in October 2019 with the purpose to promote ageing in place.

FHGCC is run by a team of multi-disciplinary professionals, including a nurse, social worker and therapists, who assess the conditions of seniors, draw up individualized care plans, as well as prescribe physical and cognitive stimulation therapy activities to meet the needs of the seniors.
Encouraging seniors with our tagline “Cherish Every Moment, Live Life with Zest!”, FHGCC strives to enhance the seniors’ quality of life through its services and facilities.

Maintenance Day Care (MDC)
provides custodial care services and maintenance activities (i.e. to maintain current physical status or prevent deterioration) to frail and/or physically disabled seniors with an aim to promote “ageing in place”.
Dementia Day Care (DDC)
provides cognitive stimulation activities to seniors with mild to moderate dementia, in addition to custodial care services and maintenance activities.
Community Rehabilitation (CR)
Sessional-based rehabilitation includes active rehabilitation (AR) and maintenance exercise (ME) services to improve the client’s functional status or reduce the client’s functional decline.