Special Visit to FHL: 21/11/2023
Warm “Hellos”and Friendly High-Fives at Fu Hui Link
– Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean’s Visit to Fu Hui Link

Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean made a caring visit to Fu Hui Link (SBWS community hub).
Grace Child Development Centre (GCDC) and Hearty Care Centre (HCC) were filled with joyful laughter as the children interacted with the amiable and gracious Senior Minister, who also observed a mindfulness workshop for HCC children with parental participation.
Senior Minister Teo also visited Fu Hui Golden Care Centre (FHGCC). At this senior day care and active rehabilitation centre, HCC students facilitated an intergenerational activity with the elderly users of FHGCC. A virtual game was also conducted concurrently for elderlies with dementia.
Our amahs in the Dementia Ward of Grace Lodge (nursing home) had looked forward to say “hello” to Senior Minister Teo, but the ward visit had to be cancelled, as one amah had unfortunately contracted COVID-19.
This visit enabled us to showcase the integrated services, for children, youths and elderlies, provided at Fu Hui Link to serve the community across generations.
This visit was just so wonderful and memorable! Thank you, Senior Minister Teo, for visiting Fu Hui Link. We look forward to meeting you again!