Donation by PayNow
UEN: S81SS0060H
Scan to Donate
1. Scan the QR code above on your mobile banking app. Check our organisation’s name and UEN (Unique Entity Number):
Name of organisation : Singapore Buddhist Welfare Services
UEN : S81SS0060H
2. Enter your donation amount under “Amount in SGD”.
3. For “UEN/Bill Reference No.”, please enter your PHONE NUMBER and your FULL NAME in English as in NRIC
e.g. 91234567 LIM XXX XXX
4. Tap “PAY NOW”.
5. You will receive an email notification from your bank upon successful transaction.
6. Please email a screenshot of your successful PayNow payment to
Tax Deduction for Your Donation
If you wish to receive tax deduction for your donation, please ensure that you provide your
full name in English (as in NRIC), NRIC number, contact number and address.
Our major social welfare services include the following: